1. Contrary to popular belief, wines sealed under screw caps also benefit from cellaring and ageing.
In addition, they don’t need to be laid down for cellaring, whereas wines under cork do (to avoid the cork drying out and shrinking).
2. If you store your wine in an area where temperatures exceed 25 degrees Celsius, your wine can spoil within a matter of weeks.
Spoiled fruit flavours will develop and off-odours will appear.
3. Wine cabinets have nothing in common with fridges: they do not generate intense cold and they don’t remove ambient humidity as fridges do.
They’re designed to replicate the ideal conditions found in the best natural underground wine cellars by controlling humidity, temperature, UV light and ventilation (and by limiting damaging vibrations).
4. All wines – reds, whites and Champagnes – cellar at the same temperature: 12-14 degrees Celsius
Over 90% of individuals don’t realise this.
5. Imperceptible vibrations cause your wines to age prematurely by speeding up chemical reactions
Store your wine in a vibration-free area such as a proper wine storage cabinet, so fewer bottles are a disappointment when opened.
6. UV light causes hydrogen sulphide compounds in wine and affects the tannins and the colour of your wine.
So avoid leaving your wines exposed to light, sunlight in particular.
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